
Our presentation at Insights Career Network (ICN)

Published: 2 months ago, by Alok Jain

Revolutionizing Market Research: The Power of AI and Large Language Models

As someone who has spent 8 years applying AI and 28 years in research and design, I've had the privilege of witnessing firsthand the transformative impact of artificial intelligence (AI) and Large Language Models (LLMs) on market research. In this post, I'll share my insights on how these technologies are reshaping our field and what it means for researchers and businesses alike.

Understanding LLMs: The Next Word Predictors

At their core, LLMs work by predicting the next word in a sequence. This seemingly simple task is the foundation of their impressive capabilities. By training on vast amounts of text data, LLMs learn to understand context and generate human-like text.

Let me illustrate this with two examples:

  1. "Kamala Harris is the 49th _____ of the United States"
  2. "Kamala Harris is a _____"

In the first example, the LLM is likely to predict "Vice President" as the next word. This is because the context of "49th" and "of the United States" narrows down the possibilities significantly, and the model has learned this specific fact from its training data.

However, in the second example, the LLM might predict various words such as "woman," "politician," "Democrat," "lawyer," or "senator." The prediction here depends on the most common completions in the training data, as the context is much more open-ended.

These examples highlight two crucial aspects of how LLMs work:

  1. Data and Knowledge: LLMs rely on the vast amount of text they've been trained on. They can only predict based on information present in their training data.
  2. Context: The surrounding words provide context that influences the prediction. More specific context (like in the first example) leads to more precise predictions.

The ability to understand and use both data and context is what makes LLMs so powerful in various applications, including market research. But how exactly do LLMs process this data and context? That's where we need to dive into the math behind these models.

The Math Behind the Magic

Now, let's explore how LLMs actually work under the hood. It's all about math – specifically, turning words into numbers and understanding relationships in a multi-dimensional space. This process allows LLMs to represent both the knowledge from their training data and the context of the current text.

  1. Word Embeddings: We start by converting words into numerical vectors. For example, we might represent words based on various characteristics. The word "woman" might be represented as [0.2, 0.8, 0.5] in a simplified three-dimensional space, where each number corresponds to a certain attribute.
  2. High-Dimensional Spaces: In reality, we use many more dimensions – often hundreds or thousands. This allows for much more nuanced representations of words and concepts, capturing subtle relationships between words.
  3. Attention Mechanisms: LLMs use a technique called "self-attention" to weigh the importance of different words in context. This is crucial for understanding relationships between words that might be far apart in a sentence.
  4. Transformers Architecture: Modern LLMs use a structure called Transformers, which allows them to process entire sequences of text in parallel, greatly improving efficiency and performance.
  5. Training Process: During training, the model adjusts its internal parameters to minimize the difference between its predictions and the actual next words in its training data. This process, called backpropagation, is how the model "learns."
  6. Fine-Tuning: For specific applications, we can further train the model on domain-specific data to improve its performance in areas like market research.

Understanding these mathematical foundations is crucial for effectively leveraging LLMs in research applications and for recognizing their capabilities and limitations. It explains how LLMs can capture both the broad knowledge from their training data and the specific context of a given text, allowing them to make those next-word predictions we saw in the earlier examples.

LLM Brain vs. Human Brain

While LLMs are incredibly powerful, it's important to understand how they differ from human cognition:

LLM Brain:

  • Based on mathematical representations
  • Understands the structure of language
  • Relies on training data
  • Slow to update, uses a singular model
  • Excels at pattern recognition and data processing

Human Brain:

  • Based on social and human representations
  • Understands the meaning behind language
  • Possesses natural curiosity
  • Has self-awareness and is constantly learning
  • Uses an individual, always-evolving model
  • Excels at abstract thinking and emotional intelligence

What AI is Good At vs. Not

Understanding the strengths and limitations of AI is crucial for effectively integrating it into market research processes.

AI Excels At:

  • Processing and analyzing vast amounts of data quickly
  • Identifying patterns and trends that might be missed by humans
  • Generating human-like text based on given prompts
  • Performing repetitive tasks consistently
  • Multilingual processing and translation

AI Struggles With:

  • Understanding deep context or subtle nuances in human communication
  • Emotional intelligence and empathy
  • Creative problem-solving in entirely new situations
  • Recognizing when it's made a mistake or when its output doesn't make sense
  • Adapting quickly to new information or changing circumstances

AI in Action: The Reveal Platform

At my company, Reveal (, we've developed a platform that leverages LLMs for qualitative research synthesis. Our process involves:

  1. Data Preparation: We transcribe interviews, handle multilingual processing, and perform PHI/PII redaction.
  2. LLM Processing: We set up tailored prompts and run the data through our custom-trained LLM.
  3. Review and Quality Control: We handle any errors and ensure response quality.

Crucially, we've implemented steps to mitigate bias and reduce hallucinations, addressing two of the main concerns with AI-generated content in research contexts.

Opportunities for Inclusivity and Privacy

AI-powered market research tools offer several advantages:

  • They can help reduce human bias by providing diverse perspectives.
  • They enable rapid exploration of multiple viewpoints.
  • They facilitate multilingual studies, breaking down language barriers in global research.

On the privacy front, we've placed a strong emphasis on data security. This includes encryption, controlled access, and clear data usage policies. We're also exploring how AI can improve privacy through advanced PII/PHI identification and redaction techniques.

The Future of Market Research Roles

As AI continues to evolve, it's natural to wonder about the future of human researchers. In my view, AI will complement rather than replace human expertise. While LLMs excel at processing and understanding language structure, human researchers bring crucial elements like social understanding, natural curiosity, and self-awareness to the research process.

AI-Moderated Research: A New Frontier

One of the most exciting applications we're exploring is AI-moderated research. This approach can be used for both evaluative and generative (strategic) research, with AI assisting in follow-up questions and probing for deeper insights.

For evaluative research, where we're often working with a known spectrum of responses, AI can be quite effective in generating follow-up questions based on predefined criteria.

However, for more strategic, open-ended research, human judgment and curiosity still play a crucial role. The AI can suggest lines of inquiry, but the human researcher's ability to pick up on subtle cues and explore unexpected directions remains invaluable.

Synthetic Data: Filling the Gaps

Another promising application is the use of AI to generate synthetic data. This is particularly useful for enhancing high-quality datasets, allowing us to fill small gaps in our data without compromising overall integrity. However, it's important to note that synthetic data is not a replacement for real, high-quality data collection, but rather a tool to augment and enhance existing datasets.


As we stand on the brink of a new era in market research, AI and LLMs offer exciting possibilities for enhancing our understanding of consumers and markets. By embracing these technologies thoughtfully and ethically, we can unlock new levels of insight and efficiency.

However, it's crucial to remember that AI is a tool to augment human expertise, not replace it. The future of market research lies in the synergy between human creativity and AI capabilities. As researchers, our role will evolve to leverage these powerful tools while continuing to provide the uniquely human insights that drive true understanding and innovation.

I'm excited to see how our field will continue to evolve with these technologies, and I encourage all researchers to explore the possibilities that AI and LLMs offer for enhancing our work and delivering deeper insights to our clients.